A Fresh Voice. Bold New Energy.
Farmville Town Councilman Brian R. Vincent is running for Mayor, to be a fresh voice for the people of Farmville, Virginia. Vincent strives to do the most good, for the most amount of people, at each decision point. He’s come to embrace one simple mantra in life, both as a father and as an elected official: Be the Standard.
“We must continue to engage and collaborate with diverse stakeholders to ensure Farmville remains a prosperous and inviting town for businesses and prospective citizens. I’m certain we can accomplish both an appreciation for our historic town while also taking care to cultivate new ideas for smart growth. That kind of economic flexibility and vitality will ensure we remain a family friendly destination, and a great job location, for decades to come.” - Brian Vincent
“Positive change in the world takes individuals within society coming forward with the right intentions, through higher motives, to promote the greater good.” - Justin Stead, Founder of the Aurelius Foundation
“To govern was to serve, not to rule.” - Seneca
The Apostle Paul writes, “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.'‘ (1 Timothy 1:5, ESV).
“What is your vocation? To be a good person.” - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 11.5
Farmville Town Councilor Brian Vincent is signed up to run a 100 mile race in WV on Nov. 5th, but that’s not the only race he intends to run this year. He is running for Mayor in the November 8th General Election...
Support Vincent for Mayor
Why Brian? He will bring his quiet exuberance, fierce independence, high energy and earnest desire to serve to the role of Mayor.
Where I Stand
Politicians often espouse lists of talking points and banal campaign promises. That’s not my style and never will be.
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Farmville Town Council
07/2018 - Present
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